Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Grocery Shopping and Thoughts

Homemade Trail Mix = roasted unsalted
almonds, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds,
wasabi peas
Got some much needed grocery shopping done tonight!  Many times a grocery run happens on Wednesday and Sunday because it is always better to get that produce fresh!  On the list tonight included some ingredients for a homemade trail mix (recipe below), Greek yogurt, blueberries, ground turkey, lean ground beef, avocado, kale, bok choy, spinach, almond milk, eggs, peppers, zucchini, mushrooms, and EVOO.  Probably a few other things I left off too!  Believe it or not all that shopping included two stops in under an hour.  You gotta know where to go to get the best stuff!

The first few blogs I make I am going to give you a little more insight into my opinions.  I feel this is only fair to you to know how I am before you get too involved!  First, if I hear another person, public figure, famous trainer, news story, etc. about calorie counts I might implode.  If there is one thing you take from reading my blog, and this is evidenced above in my grocery list and you will see it in pictures, the best way to eat is SEED TO FEED.  If it grows from the ground or has a face it is fair game for grub as far as I am concerned.

Frozen yogurt blueberries = dip berries in plain
Greek yogurt (mix yogurt with cinnamon
 and Truvia)

To prove my point, what do you think would be more healthy in this situation:  a 6 oz. cut of sirloin beef (we can even say it's local grassfed!) or a veggie burger that comes from a box.  Now hold on.  If we count calories, a veggie burger is going to run about 200ish calories and that juicy sirloin more than likely doubles the calories and fat of the veggie burger.  So what should you eat?  Well, here is where I might be too controversial for your liking.  I say: EAT THE STEAK.  Why??  The steak is as you were intended to eat it...cut right from something with a face.  The veggie burger is made of veggies....and preservatives, fillers, "natural flavorings," and whatever else fell on the conveyor belt during production.  The fact is this: a calorie is not a calorie.  Your body does not tolerate preservatives and artificial flavorings produced in the lab the same way it breaks down the natural animal protein found in the steak.  Even though the steak trumps the veggie burger in the calorie department, I go with the steak 10 times out of 10.  Real always beats out fake in many areas in life.  Stick to natural foods and you will be well on your way to a healthier you.

As always remember, one simple YES could change your life forever...


  1. website looks great Liz!

  2. Thanks! I am following your blog now too it looks good!
