Thursday, July 5, 2012

Breakfast and P90X..

I felt the need to address this little number due to increased feedback. Let me say this right up front..IF YOU EMAIL ME YOUR QUESTIONS YOU WILL SEE THESE TOPICS IN THE BLOG. I may not be able to follow up with everyone instantly on an individual basis but I do take into account your feedback and most importantly I AM LISTENING. Take note that is all a girl be listened to right?!

 Let's start with breakfast. It's in the name and it needs to happen fast, I get it. But please, don't skip it. It is true what they say about breakfast and you NEED to be eating it. I can't emphasize enough. For those of you wondering what my breakfast often consists of I will share it with you now. I have this with my green tea every morning. Don't cringe..

 All Mixed Together:
1/4 cup oats (not instant)
1 scoop isolated whey protein (peanut butter flavor)
1/4 cup blueberries

This is the chocolate version of some great-tasting whey protein

It is the perfect blend of carbs and protein. Best part is that it tastes GREAT. My favorite is the peanut butter flavor, but you could also use chocolate (duh!) or vanilla for some great tasting oats.  With the protein there is no need for artificial sweetener or sugar. One important note to consider is that you microwave the oats with water (how much depends on the consistency you desire) and then add the protein AFTER YOU HAVE MICROWAVED THE OATS. Do not microwave protein, just don't.

AKA Glorified Cardio

Moving on to P90X/P90X2/Insanity/Whatever they are calling it these days.  Many, many, many people ask me which of these programs they should be doing and which one is the best bang for the buck, etc.  I have to be honest, all these programs look exactly the same to me.  Do they work?  Of course they work, it is glorified cardio!  The truth is this:  I would seek out a local trainer running a bootcamp and sign up immediately.  Find a reputable trainer with good reviews and a solid base.  Most bootcamps run anywhere from $10-$30 per class and could be less expensive in the long run than continuously buying the newest, latest "fad workout trend."  If you could spend $150 for absolutely no results but add a DVD that is no fun to watch to your collection or $300 for results that last a lifetime what would you do?  Duh, no brainer.  I may be a little biased be it that I am a trainer but here is why you should take my advice:


I can't emphasize enough.  If I go into your home and see P90X, P90X2, and Insanity in your DVD collection I have to wonder, why do you keep buying these workout programs if they don't work?  And why don't they work for you?  Simple. BECAUSE YOU DON'T DO IT.  Or you don't do it right, often enough, or you don't fuel right.  Come on admit it, you may think you do it...but really? REALLY?  Those working with a trainer are 200% more likely to reach their goals do to accountability and consistency.  Commit to a few months of a bootcamp over a few months of "maybe you will pop in the DVD after a long day at work but probably not."  Guarantee you that if you pay for that trainer then you are going to those bootcamps and you are getting results.

Be sure when you look for a trainer you type in a google or bing search for "personal fitness trainer" or "bootcamp" in your local area and DO YOUR RESEARCH.  Make sure the professional you choose is certified and reputable.

Put it this way, I would rather have my clients who do not live close to me anymore working with a trainer over buying a workout program from me or using P90X.  Why?  Because I know that client will continue to get results.  That is what it is all about people.  As always remember, one simple YES could change your life forever..

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